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LTRG_V1_03 - THE DlVlNE LITURGY OF ST. BASIL -  From the Prayer of Thanksgiving up to LTRG_V1_03 - THE DlVlNE LITURGY OF ST. BASIL - From the Prayer of Thanksgiving up to "Ten-ou-osht Emmok" HOT

Higher Institute of Coptic Studies

The Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil - Dr. Ragheb Moftah


The Central Committee of the Coptic Orthodox Sunday School, Dioces of Sydney, NSW, Australia, is pleased to reproduce the full Coptic Liturgy of Saint Basil on four Compact Discs. This will facilitate the study, recital, appreciation and preservation of our deeply spiritual and musical heritage. Some of the chants featured are rarely heard today. 

It is indeed a marvellous symphony expressing ch personality and spirituality of the Coptic Church. 

The first Copes excelled in displaying the artistic expression of their Church, demonstrating the richness of their national identity. 

This work is a labour of love of Dr Ragheb H. Moftah, who dedicated his life, from an early stage, producing, directing and recording this and other great works. 

We are indebted to Dr. Moftah who gave us permission to reproduce chis work from the original recording published in 1967. 

With the expansion of the Coptic Church, especially during the golden age of our Pontiff Pope Abba Shenouda Ill, the Liturgy of Saint Basil has been translated into many languages. The Central Committee of the Coptic Orthodox Sunday School, Diocess of Sydney; has found it necessary to reproduce this work in an effort to maintain church Liturgy's spirituality and music, regardless of language used. 

Whilst we believe and insist on translating the liturgy to hand the faith down from generation to generation, we are equally committed on maintaining the original treasures as received from the fathers. 

We believe that the Holy Spirit intended for the Liturgy to be chanted, leading the soul and spirit in a path of awe and spirituality. 

And as the Church is Heaven on earth, we must pursue che principal work of the heavenly hoses, which is continuous musical praise. 

Let us listen co the music of our Church in awe and reverence. lifting our hearts up to heaven. 





1 Foreword, Hymns:"Ten-ou-osht" and "Shere Maria" 14:37

2 From "Kyrie Eleison" of the Offertory up to the "Doxology" 15:12 

3 From the Prayer of Thanksgiving up to "Ten-ou-osht Emmok" 18:47 

4 From the hymn before the Pauline Epistle up to the end of the Acts 19:06



1 From the hymn "Apekran" up to the Introduction to the Psalm 17:00 

2 From "Stand up in fear of God" up to the Prayer ofl>eace 17:03 

3 From the Prayer for the Safety of the Church Fathers to rhe end of the Prayer of Reconciliation 19:44

4 From "Rejoice O Mary" to the "Seraphim Hymn" 14:33



1 From "Holy, Holy, Holy" to "Again we believe, confess and glorify You" 18:09 

2 From "He tasted" to the end of the Litanies 19:43

3 From rhe Commemoration of rhe Saints to the Commemoration of the Departed 15:49

4 From "Through the Pleadings, ere" to "Guide us into Your Kingdom" 16:33



1 From the Introduction to the fraction to "Amen we believe" 20:56 

2 From "Amen, Amen, Amen" to the end of the Divine Liturgy hymns: Psalm 150, "Ek-esmaro-oot", and "Piouk" 17:40





The Alpha and The Omega: [The New Alpha Website]

 I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to members of the ALPHA for their rerecording of Ragheb Moftah’s Collection of Coptic Orthodox Liturgical Music in superior quality audio digital format.  This unique production captures the pristine tine beauty of the original sounds and traditional arrangements of Coptic Orthodox Church hymnology as chanted by Coptic virtuosi personally selected by my uncle Ragheb Moftah.

 Now I may humbly repeat what I mentioned earlier in my essay entitled:  Ragheb Moftah and Coptic Music”.

 The successful preservation of the Coptic music heritage will be the enduring memorial of this humble genius [Ragheb Moftah] for whom Coptic music remained a passion throughout his long life.”

 Indeed, the Alpha has honoured my uncle Ragheb Moftah and kept his legacy alive.

My uncle Ragheb Moftah presented a copy of his entire collection of the Coptic Orthodox Church liturgical hymns on audio-cassettes to The Alpha and gave its members permission to reproduce it as well as make it available worldwide.  The Alpha has honoured Ragheb Moftah’s wish and produced it in a CD format for the first time. COEPA’s high quality recording and the clarity of sound were acknowledged by music scholars as the best production of the Ragheb Moftah’s liturgical hymns and as a result it has attracted the admiration of Coptic Orthodox Churches as well as other prestigious institutions worldwide. Obviously, members of the ALPHA website have highly sophisticated technical skills in order to produce a recording of this high quality.

Again, my commendations to all members of the ALPFA website for their enormous effort. Thanks to them the preservation of our Coptic hymnology heritage is one step closer to being assured for humanity.

Laurence Moftah (Ragheb Moftah’s niece)

December 26, 2010

The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil - VOL I
Institute of Coptic Studies - Department of Coptic Music
Divine Liturgy
18.83 min.
Created 2020-09-07
Changed 2020-12-02
Size 17.25 MB
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Changed by thealphaandtheomega
Downloads 817