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04 - 04 - "Elizabeth's full time came for her to be delivered." HOT

"Elizabeth's full time came for her to be delivered."

Father Luka Sidaros

Jan 03, 2016


Zachariah, the priest, spent months silent; he did not talk according to what the angel said. As if it is a punishment, but Zachariah the priest took it as a blessing. He was silent for long months, and when he talked, he uttered wonders and praises. He was full of the Holy Spirit.


On many occasions, our Lord allows for a person to be silent. This silence may cause inside a person severe pressure like a fierce volcano leading to complaints, anger, and tightness. Though it can lead to the opposite, when our Lord allows for a person a situation like sickness or another matter that makes a person silent, what do we do? We go inside.

Created 2023-12-26
Changed 2023-12-26
Size 35.5 KB
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Created by thealphaandtheomega
Changed by thealphaandtheomega
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