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SAINT MARY In The Orthodox Concept  Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty SAINT MARY In The Orthodox Concept Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty HOT

SAINT MARY In The Orthodox Concept

Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty

We the Copts, are very honoured that the Holy Family visited our land. Our spiritual love towards the Saviour Jesus Christ and His mother is deep-rooted in our hearts, and appears in our daily life.

We love St. Mary, the Virgin and mother of God, through whom we discover the nature of her Son as the Incarnate Son of God. Her life speaks of God's redeeming deed, and explains man’s role in attaining the heavenly life by the divine grace.

St. Mary is our sister, who became an archetype of the Church, receiving a universal maternity to man. She loves the whole world, longing for the perfect salvation of every body.

This is the spirit of the whole treatise which, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, sustained by the Holy Scripture, the Patristic thought and our church liturgies, I hope to discuss.

Created 2019-11-10
Changed 2022-01-03
Size 607.52 KB
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Created by thealphaandtheomega
Changed by thealphaandtheomega
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