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St Mark The Evangelist St Mark The Evangelist HOT

BY HIS HOLINESS POPE SHENOUDA III, We are indebted to St. Mark, this great preacher, who came to our country to teach in the name of Christ. The Word of God reached us after his blood was shed on our land. The first to write the Gospel registering the life of Lord Christ and His Works, so humanity can be saved. The book is an expression of our gratitude towards the great St Mark and to acquaint his sons and daughters all over the world, with his pure life, that suffered and struggled so the faith can reach us.

HH Pope Shenouda III

Created 2019-10-26
Changed 2019-10-27
Size 467.75 KB
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Created by thealphaandtheomega
Changed by thealphaandtheomega
Downloads 7,905