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How to Relate to Children - H.H. Pope Shenouda III How to Relate to Children - H.H. Pope Shenouda III HOT

Many write for adults and few are those who write for children. Also, many occupy themselves talking with adults, but rare are those who love to talk to children.

So, sometimes children feel they are not the core of attention and respect of adults, and accordingly they try to draw their attention by many ways, perhaps by outcry or stubbornness or (naughtiness).

In this book, we need to talk about the child, his mentality and how to relate to him and gain his love, and to serve him spiritually, socially and culturally.

Because the child is the first cell of the society and the church, if we gain him, we win an entire generation, and if we lose him we lose the future of the generation we live in, and consequent loss of the other generations.

I personally love children and love to joke, play, talk and make friends with them. In childhood I find innocence, truth and openness, as well as the quick response which we lack in adults.

This book is not the outcome of a study of books of psychology and education, but the result of personal experiences with the children in Sunday School or at the numerous meetings at the Church, and with families, kindergartens, clubs, etc...

I offer this book as a present to those responsible for education at church and also at home and those concerned with children. I gave many lectures on this subject; the most recent was at St. George’s Church, Sporting, Alexandria in August 1992, at the “Week of the Child” prepared by Rev. Fr Tadros Yacoub Malaty, may God bless his sincere efforts to serve the stage of childhood.

Pope Shenouda III

Created 2019-09-12
Changed 2019-12-02
Size 354.46 KB
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Created by thealphaandtheomega
Changed by thealphaandtheomega
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