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 Christian Education in the Church of Alexandria - HG Bishop Souriel Bishop of Melbourne - Australia Christian Education in the Church of Alexandria - HG Bishop Souriel Bishop of Melbourne - Australia HOT

It gives me great joy to dedicate this first publication to:

His Holiness Pope Shenouda III
Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark

Commemorating his fortieth anniversary as Bishop of Christian Education
30 September 2002

His Holiness Pope Shenouda I11 has been and still is instrumental in teaching his people all aspects of Christian faith. His knowledge of the Scriptures, the rich heritage of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, its history and doctrine is an inspiration to all those millions of people that have come to know him.

Through his weekly sermons at St. Mark Cathedral in Cairo, his many books (over 100 in fact), his thousands of articles in newspapers and magazines and his lectures at the Theological College we come to have a real sense of this great teacher and preacher of our time. All of this has earned him the title of "Best preacher in the world" in 1978 as well as many honorary PhD's from renowned universities all around the world.

Knowing that I am unworthy, yet I have personally tasted what it means to be his disciple at the Papal residence at St. Bishoy monastery in Wadi El-Natroun (4th century Scetis) and to learn from his fountain of knowledge, spirituality and humility.

We ask the Lord God Almighty to preserve the life of our honoured pontiff, His Holiness Pope Shenouda I11 for many more blessed and peaceful years to come and that he may continue to educate his people and lead them to salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord


Bishop Souriel

HIS GRACE BISHOP SURIEL Bishop of Melbourne & Affeliated Regions

Created 2019-09-12
Changed 2023-02-13
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