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01 - 02 - 01 - 01S - Commentary on the Book of Genesis Small 01 - 02 - 01 - 01S - Commentary on the Book of Genesis Small HOT

Commentary on the Book of Genesis - Small
Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty

In The Book of Genesis we are assured that:

. God is the Father, who created everything for man his beloved son, and established him as master of the earth and what surrounds it.
. He cares that every human should enter with Him into a personal relationship, and offers humans His Divine Mysteries.

. He gave to man the commandment to practice love with obedience and exchange love with love, respecting his sacred free will.
. He pointed out the sanctity of the body, marriage, human life and material creation, and

. Declared man's need for salvation and renewal of his creation.

. Moses the prophet wrote it in historical form not as poetry in order to show us the truth with simplicity and clarity, unlike the fairy tales that had spread all over the world.

. It is the book of beginnings: the beginning of creation (1:1); the beginning of man (1:27); the beginning of the Sabbath (2:2,3); the beginning of marriage (2:22-24); the beginning of sin (3:6); the beginning of sacrifice or salvation (3:15); the beginning of prophecy (3:15); the beginning of human authority (9:1-6); the beginning of nations (11); and the beginning of God's people (12:1-3).

Created 2019-11-04
Changed 2022-01-14
Size 355.25 KB
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