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01 - 02 - 01 - 16 - Nehemiah - Commentary on the Book of  Nehemiah 01 - 02 - 01 - 16 - Nehemiah - Commentary on the Book of Nehemiah HOT

Commentary on the Book of Nehemiah
Father Tadross Y. Malaty


Nehemiah was the leader of the third and last patch of the Jewish captives who returned to Jerusalem (About the year 445 or 444 BC – after about a century from the return of the first group). Caring to rebuild the destroyed wall of the city, and its gates burnt by fire, he calls us to an important fact that touches the life of every believer. Nehemiah perceived that his true mission in life was greater than being the ‘cup-bearer’ of the greatest king at that time, and his personal counsellor with great daring with him. Through his fiery heart, he perceived that he had a greater mission by God; namely to consummate a certain job, beyond all his capabilities, talents, and possibilities. He was called to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and to rebuild the society itself; he was called to fulfil things that may seem utterly impossible.

The book of Nehemiah presents to us the truth of “God of the impossible”; who works in all eras, (in the last watch of the night); when all human arms are completely helpless.

Everyone of us is attacked every now and then by some kind of depression. But Nehemiah reveals to us that our God is the Hope for whoever loses hope; who replaces despair with the spirit of hope, joy, and conquest whenever we enter into the whirlpool of feeling complete helplessness, and count the circumstances surrounding us as utterly impossible, God presents to us the message saying: “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God everything is possible” (Mark 10: 27). He works for the sake of all mankind, particularly for the sake of His church; and He cares for everyone, as though there is no one else in the world but him.

Created 2019-12-08
Changed 2022-02-11
Size 2.05 MB
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