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Commentary on the Book of Proverbs
Father Tadross Y. Malaty


One can consider the Book of Proverbs to have had significant value in the Early Church. However, one might have been mislead into thinking that the Book of Proverbs did not bring about the unification of church faith and life. Though the Book of Proverbs does not concentrate primarily on the church dogmas, it does focus on the pious behaviour which in turn, relates to the faith. It is this pious behavior, in the Early Church’s view, that is a practical translation of the living faith and the fellowship with God.

St. Clement of Alexandria, who was a philosopher didn’t separate philosophy, knowledge, faith and daily life. Thus, he was interested in the Book of Proverbs. With the same spirit St. Athanasius of Alexandria assures the close relation between faith and godliness, saying: "For faith and godliness are allied to each other, and are sister. He who believes in Him is godly, and he also who is godly, believes the more1." A contemporary believer finds in this book a divine guide to translate his faith into life.

Fr. Tadros Y.Malaty

Created 2019-12-10
Changed 2022-02-11
Size 4.83 MB
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