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Commentary on the Book of Isaiah
Father Tadross Y. Malaty

Isaiah was called “The prophetical Evangelist,” and his book “The Gospel of Isaiah,” or the “Fifth Gospel.” Whoever reads it would see it as one of the New Testament books, and its author as an eyewitness to the life of Lord Christ and His redemptive work, especially the “cross;” he would see a lively portrait of redemption, and its deep divine mysteries.

St. Jerome says, [In the book of Isaiah, I see an evangelist narrating the life of Jesus Christ; besides being a prophet who speaks of things to come1.]

H. A. Ironside says that more than any other prophetical book, the book of Isaiah includes the most perfect Messianic prophecies in the Old Testaments; definitely testifying to the passions of Lord Christ, and to all the glories that followed them2.

Fathers of the Church, in their debates with unbelievers, depended on it, because of the numerous and clear prophecies it included, concerning the Person of the Lord Christ, His redemptive work, His Church, His Holy Spirit etc.3

Shortly after St. Augustine converted to the Christian faith, the elderly Bishop St. Ambrose asked him what he was reading, to which he answered, “Isaiah.”

Father Tadross Y. Malaty

Created 2021-12-31
Changed 2021-12-31
Size 1.98 MB
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