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Commentary on the Gospel of Saint Mark


In our study of the Gospel according to St. Matthew we experience the joyful tidings of our Lord Jesus Christ. A gospel which God has prepared through His saintly prophets, so as that we may receive it as an entrance to His eternal kingdom. And now, in the Gospel of St. Mark, we enjoy the same good news, but from another aspect, we see our Lord Jesus Christ laboring on our behalf during His ministry, especially His accepting passion and crucifixion much more than through His words and sermons. This is especially apparent in the acceptance of this passion, suffering, and crucifixion.

The Gospel according to Saint Mark was written to the Romans, who were dependent upon the human strength and contemporary authority, with its violent tendencies. Consequently, this gospel introduces the Lord Christ as the One true authority, through His humility and love, proved in this passion and crucifixion. It is as though the Spirit of God compels us to live by the Spirit of our King, carrying on the Spirit of strength, of labor, by love and passion.

Moreover, I would like to draw attention to the interpretation of this book. Since we encounter incidents dealing with the life and works of the Lord Christ which were previously mentioned in our interpretation of “ The Gospel according to St. Matthew”, quoting several saintly fathers, I suggest that the reader for the sake of avoiding repetition refers to the previous interpretation, together with the introduction of new concepts.

Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty

Created 2019-10-27
Changed 2022-01-04
Size 845.91 KB
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Created by thealphaandtheomega
Changed by thealphaandtheomega
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