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The Personal Memoirs of Fr. Louka Sidarous The Personal Memoirs of Fr. Louka Sidarous HOT

St.George Coptic Orthodox Church Sporting, Alexandria

The Personal Memoirs of

Fr. Louka Sidarous


As St. Serapion said to the disciples of St. Antony after his departure: “The world lost a great elder, and the heavens have gained a

great man. The One above has found the one he has sought; the one below has lost the one

he possessed. Today, there is a festival above because of his passing on high, but there is greatdesolation and anguish for us who remain below because of his departure from us.”

Our beloved Fr. Louka Sidarous was an ideal priest and father who was ordained by a saint, served with the saints, and discipled saints. His spiritual children would always run to him to hear the words of the Holy Spirit that provide comfort, guidance, and encouragement.

Farewell to the great priest of God, who Christ led in triumph, and whose fragrance, the fragrance of Christ, is diffused in every place in the world.

May the Lord repose his pure soul in the paradise of joy, comfort the blessed family, faithfulcongregation, beloved priests, and impressive servants whom he served so faithfully, so lovingly, so perfectly, for his whole life.

Glory, praise, and abundant thanksgiving be to our loving Lord!

Bishop Kyrillos
Auxiliary Bishop of Christian Education

in the Diocese of Los Angeles and Spiritual Son of Fr. Louka

Created 2023-12-05
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