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 HH Pope Shenouda III
The Divinity of Christ is one of the most important and vital subjects in the Christian doctrine. Many heresies rose against it in various eras, and the Church confronted them and replied to them. The most dangerous was the Arian Heresy which reached its peak in the fourth century and led to many Ecumenical Councils being held. The first Ecumenical Council in history was held in 325 A.D., attended by 318 bishops from all the churches of the world. Arius and his heresy were refuted, and the Christian Creed was formulated.

Nevertheless, the residues of Arianism have continued to spread even till this day. Many atheist philosophers and scientists rose against the Divinity of Christ. The heresy of Jehovah's Witnesses rose against the Divinity of Christ. It was allegedly founded, in Pennsylvania, America, in 1872. Then in 1909 its headquarters moved to New York where a community was established under the name of "Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society". They published many books, the most important of which were: Let God Be True, The Truth Shall Set You Free, The Harp of God, The Rich Man, Deliverance, Creation, The New Heaven and the New Earth, Government and Peace, Protection, Reconciliation, and various other publications called Tracts.

In the following pages, we will try to discuss the subject of the Divinity of Christ in a positive light, and prove this fundamental doctrine from the Holy Bible. We will discuss all the objections and reply to them in due course.

Many of the saints faced these objections and were contemporary with the Arian Movement. Among them were:

(1) Saint Athanasius the Apostolic who wrote ContraArianos,

(2) Saint Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers who wrote a treatise against the Arians called De Trinitate,

(3) Saint Basil the Great,

(4) Saint Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa,

(5) Saint Gregory Theologus of Nazianzum who wrote theological treatises and

(6) Saint Cyril of Jerusalem who delivered lectures to the catechumens.

In our research on the Divinity of Christ, we will give proofs which will include clear verses pertaining to His Divinity with respect to:

(1) Him being the Logos (the Word)

(2) His relation with the Holy Spirit

(3) His relation with Heaven

(4) His relation with the Father

(5) Him being the Only Son

(6) Him being the Only Son of God

(7) Him being the Lord

(8) Him being the Redeemer and Saviour

(9) The belief in Him

(10) His Divine qualities

(11) His authority over all Creation

(12) His miracles

 HH Pope Shenouda III 

Created 2021-12-30
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Fr. Abraam D. Sleman

Created 2021-12-30
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Orthodoxy is never satisfied by limiting the Church to means of speaking to the intellect of the parishioners. While we are teaching the Scriptures, we find it essential for the faithful to attend the Liturgy, and experience the actual dwelling of the Holy Spirit on the Sacrament as well as the parishioners. Many non Orthodox Christians attaind their conversion to Orthodoxy during the Liturgy

A Coptic Orthodox parishioner is expected to leave the Liturgy with a renewed spirit which preserves his salvation and make him a moving gospel and a living apostle for Christ.

Every Liturgy in the church is an actual and renewed encounter with the Holy Spirit.

We have also included in the course the biblical necessity for the Sacraments and the communion with the saints.

Because the Church is the icon of heaven, eternity does not have to wait until we leave this world. We, through being at church, start our eternity there and then.

It is very pleasing to report and celebrate that this edition is issued during the Silver Jubilee of the enthronement of our beloved father Abba Shenouda III the 117th successor of Saint Mark, who ascended this blessed and apostolic throne on 14 November, 1971.

The Apostolic succession granted to His Holiness by the Holy Spirit, is definitely synonymous, through the Grace of God, with a great and shining Apostolic success.

I am indebted to His Holiness for the great majority of the material presented in these notes. We are all inspired by His Holiness’s Orthodox and asetic life and his orthodox teachings.

May the Lord grant us peace and blessings through the prayers of our beloved Mother Saint Mary the Virgin and all the angels and saints who pleased Him since the beginning.May the Lord protect and preserve the life and well being of our beloved Pope Shenouda III and his brother in the Apostolic Ministry Mar Aghnatious Zakka the Patriarch of Antioch, and their partners in the Apostolic Ministry the Metropolitans and the Bishops.

Amir Hanna (Sub-deacon) 14 November, 1996

Created 2021-12-30
Changed 2021-12-30
Size 755.21 KB
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