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Doctrinal Theology - Deacon Timon Doctrinal Theology - Deacon Timon HOT


Orthodoxy is never satisfied by limiting the Church to means of speaking to the intellect of the parishioners. While we are teaching the Scriptures, we find it essential for the faithful to attend the Liturgy, and experience the actual dwelling of the Holy Spirit on the Sacrament as well as the parishioners. Many non Orthodox Christians attaind their conversion to Orthodoxy during the Liturgy

A Coptic Orthodox parishioner is expected to leave the Liturgy with a renewed spirit which preserves his salvation and make him a moving gospel and a living apostle for Christ.

Every Liturgy in the church is an actual and renewed encounter with the Holy Spirit.

We have also included in the course the biblical necessity for the Sacraments and the communion with the saints.

Because the Church is the icon of heaven, eternity does not have to wait until we leave this world. We, through being at church, start our eternity there and then.

It is very pleasing to report and celebrate that this edition is issued during the Silver Jubilee of the enthronement of our beloved father Abba Shenouda III the 117th successor of Saint Mark, who ascended this blessed and apostolic throne on 14 November, 1971.

The Apostolic succession granted to His Holiness by the Holy Spirit, is definitely synonymous, through the Grace of God, with a great and shining Apostolic success.

I am indebted to His Holiness for the great majority of the material presented in these notes. We are all inspired by His Holiness’s Orthodox and asetic life and his orthodox teachings.

May the Lord grant us peace and blessings through the prayers of our beloved Mother Saint Mary the Virgin and all the angels and saints who pleased Him since the beginning.May the Lord protect and preserve the life and well being of our beloved Pope Shenouda III and his brother in the Apostolic Ministry Mar Aghnatious Zakka the Patriarch of Antioch, and their partners in the Apostolic Ministry the Metropolitans and the Bishops.

Amir Hanna (Sub-deacon) 14 November, 1996

Created 2021-12-30
Changed 2021-12-30
Size 755.21 KB
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